Get Ready to Plan Those Summer Trips! Traveling with an Ostomy is Easy

As we head into May, many of us are preparing our summer vacation plans, including out-of-town places to visit. Ostomy patients can (and do) travel extensively as well. Assuming you plan ahead, there’s no reason to let your condition hinder traveling.

Check out a few pointers on how to make everything go smoothly and enjoy a summer of fun physical activity.

Get Ready to Plan Those Summer Trips! Traveling with an Ostomy is Easy

Preparing Your Pouches Prior to Travel

This is the most fundamental piece of advice because you may not have full control over where you’ll be during the entire trip. Often, that first travel adventure after an ostomy procedure could be the first time you would have to troubleshoot pouch issues in unfamiliar circumstances.

While ostomy pouches are different, depending on the style and configuration you select, it’s wise to pre-cut your pouches before going anywhere. That way, if you have to make adjustments during a car trip or other less-favorable conditions, then it’ll be easier to change supplies.

Going on a Plane? Here’s Some Advice

Airplane travel is perhaps the most important time to have everything pre-cut and ready since you won’t always get scissors through airport security. Supply logistics aside, you may want to forgo flying for a little while longer if you’re still in the early stages of ostomy recovery. Consult your physician for guidance, but it’s common to wait several weeks before trying to endure a potentially turbulent airline ride.

If you’re cleared for flying, then plan for what happen while going through TSA at the airport. Since boarding passengers can go fast, and it’s easy to miss flights, ostomy patients should talk to the airline staff and TSA members well ahead of time. Alert them to all the pouches, medicines, and other supplies you carry. This helps eliminate the chance for last-minute confusion or disagreements.

Other Miscellaneous Ostomy Travel Tips

  • Make sure you have enough supplies to last an entire trip (with backup resources).
  • Carry documentation of your medical condition in case you receive any pushback.
  • Whether driving or flying, it’s especially important to avoid those foods that could cause gas and other embarrassing situations.
  • Bring plenty of sanitary wipes to troubleshoot problems and emergencies.

We hope this covers everything you need for safe, fun, and successful travel as an ostomy patient. Cymed MicroSkin serves colostomy, ileostomy, and urostomy patients with the most reliable pouch systems, barriers, adhesives, and other important accessories. Our mission is to help you resume most, if not all, of the daily lifestyle activities you enjoyed before your procedure.

Find out more about our reliable ostomy supplies by calling Cymed MicroSkin at 800-582-0707.