Ben Moon
Ben Moon was diagnosed with colorectal cancer at the age of 29. Now with a permanent colostomy, he is back to doing all of the things he loves. He makes a living as an adventure photographer (his Web site is moonfoto.com) and he enjoys surfing, climbing, and yoga. All of these sports demand a lot from an ostomy appliance. Ben uses Cymed's MicroSkin® pouches. He says, "No other product on the market even remotely works in the water the way MicroSkin® does."

John Dermengian
John Dermengian, Ironman triathlete, uses MicroSkin® Ostomy Pouches for his ileostomy. John finished the grueling Ironman Triathlon in Hawaii in October of 2003. He swam 2.4 miles, rode 112 miles on his bicycle and then ran 26.2 miles. His MicroSkin® ostomy pouch passed the test!

Frank Luciano
Frank Luciano was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2005. His wife Janet was a great support system for him for the first year. Now Frank has it down and can change his urostomy pouch in 2 minutes! Frank’s stoma is flush with his skin—and he has a hernia. The MicroSkin® urostomy pouch #86300 is ideal for this situation. This pouch stays in place for Frank even with a daily swim, golf, and tending his favorite hibiscus.

Linda Ross, MD
"I have an ileostomy. In September 2003 I switched to Cymed after 4 years of conventional pouches and wafers. I have a NEW LIFE! The Cymed ET nurse answered my desperate call. I was suffering from sores around the stoma. The Cymed pouch with MicroSkin has kept me dry, comfortable and able to function as a person instead of living in the bathroom."

Bill Maitland
Bill Maitland has used MicroSkin® ileostomy pouches for 12 years. He was introduced to the product 4 months after his ileostomy surgery. He leads a very active lifestyle. He is the father of 3 biological children, plus 2 step-children. He works as a carpenter to provide for their daily needs. He is very involved with his children’s activities and enjoys fishing. For Bill's active lifestyle, he needs a pouch that will stay on, and is very happy with Cymed's MicroSkin® pouches.

Jeanne Russo
For many years Jeanne Russo struggled to be “normal” and to fit in. As a three-time cancer survivor and a double ostomate, she certainly knows the challenge and fear brought on by disease and lifechanging surgery. In the process of her own healing, she discovered that self acceptance is the most powerful tool she had. She learned to say “yes” to life! The personal apparel she created for Intimate Moments is inspired from the belief that we can create the life and lifestyle we envision and desire. Intimate Moments offers ostomates a way to dress and express with confidence, self-esteem, a renewed sensuality and well being.
More Testimonials
This is not a complaint, it is a comment and in fact, a compliment. I have been using this product for the ast 16 yrs. 2 weeks ago I opened a new box lot#822578.08. the pouches are like industrial strength. the material is thicker and the adhesive seems stronger. In the past, i usually wore a pouch 5-6 days, this box goes 7 days no problem. I don't know if this is a redesign or just a new supplier but keep it up and thanks!!!!
Laurence Ryan
August, 2020
I just received my latest shipment of your product (86329). I have been using this since Bard quit making something very similar. I used the first one from the new packaging and am on day nine (9) with it. Your product is absolutely amazing. thank you for continuing to make it.
Bonnie C
August, 2020
I have been working with Dr. Leise and Lou to evaluate the improvements in quality over the last 6-months. – So far, the products are easy to apply with predictably good performance. I get a solid four to five days wear time. This surpasses the wear time I got from older pouches. Your wafer seems to hold its shape better with wear and time.
Roman K
June, 2020
I have been using your product for many years… even made it through your down time with my emergency backups several years ago. I now keep at least a year supply on hand so these may be reasonable old. I have had an Ostomy since 1978 and started on Holister which was pretty much the only product available at the time. In any case, I like your products quite a bit more and have always been impressed with the quality.
Pete R,
March, 2020
I have never written to any company about a product but I thought a little note to offer a little praise was in order. I have had my urostomy for 28 years and have used other pouches for most of that time. When they discontinued the pouch I was using I tried everything on the market, with unsatisfactory results, until my ET nurse introduced me to Cymed #86322 Urostomy Pouch. What a great day - your MicroSkin pouches are the best. They are easy to change, lightweight, flexible, and long wearing. I haven't had a leak in two years while using your pouches and I play racquetball 2 to 3 times a week. I'm 73 years old and there have been times when I cursed my condition and the ostomy product I was using. Since I discovered Cymed my outlook has greatly improved. Sometimes I forget my condition, your pouch is so comfortable.
Thanks again - in fact thank everybody who is involved with these pouches. Quality shows.
Edgar F.
Boise, Idaho, January 29, 2006
When I had a urostomy in 1986 I hoped to find an appliance that was comfortable, dependable for swimming, easy to apply and so therefore worry-free. Sound impossible? Not on your life! . I discovered Cymed MicroSkin which answered all of my needs and then some. It is so thin that no-one including me, is aware I’m wearing an appliance. I put it on and forget it!
Thank you Cymed. You have simplified my life.
Evelyn B.
California, May 21, 2005
When I had a urostomy in 1986 I hoped to find an appliance that was comfortable, dependable for swimming, easy to apply and so therefore worry-free. Sound impossible? Not on your life! . I discovered Cymed MicroSkin which answered all of my needs and then some. It is so thin that no-one including me, is aware I’m wearing an appliance. I put it on and forget it!
Thank you Cymed. You have simplified my life.
Evelyn B.
California, May 21, 2005
For nine years I suffered with seals leaking and smelling and not being able to take baths until I changed my colostomy pouch. I can’t tell you how amazed I am now that I have discovered Cymed. I suddenly feel so free – MicroSkin has changed my life.
Cyrena F.
Ohio, May 5, 2005