Common Ostomy Leaks and How to Fix Them

Let’s take some time to review the ways to manage ostomy leaks. We design our MMicroSkin pouches to withstand everyday activities, including rigorous exercise like bicycling, running, and even swimming. Nonetheless, there’s still a potential for ostomy leaks, but we can give you a few pointers on how to either troubleshoot or avoid the problem.

Common Ostomy Leaks

Common Ostomy Leaks (and How to Fix Them)

Our many years of experience mentoring ostomy patients and innovating new supplies have led us to encounter three common ostomy leaks:

Ballooning Pouches That Leak

If you’ve had trouble with gas accumulation within your pouches, you’re not alone. This is one of the most common issue for ostomy patients to overcome. Unfortunately, as the air pressure increases and expands the pouch, the chances for leaks increases, too. To make matters worse, it may happen more often during the night, which could escape your attention for a while.

SOLUTION TIP: Use an incorporated filter to relieve some of the air pressure from the pouch. Some of our pouches have built-in filters designed to address this very issue. You can also consider fitting your pouches with a ventilating accessory.

Parastomal Hernia Leak

Some patients experience a parastomal hernia after they have their surgery. This entails a swelling or bulging of the intestines, which would protrude the intestines beyond the stoma. It’s painful and may contribute to leakage.

SOLUTION TIP: First of all, you’ll want to avoid strenuous activity immediately after the ostomy surgery. This definitely forbids abdominal exercises like crunches, sit-ups, and squats, but also anything else that could interfere with the healing process. In addition, you could try an ostomy support belt and flexible skin barriers to counter any possible friction. Contact one of our representatives for suggestions on how to do this.

Poor Fitting Skin Barriers

You may have to experiment with a few different skin barrier sizes for the first few months because the stoma will probably change shape and size. While you’re finding the best possible fit, you may encounter leaks.

SOLUTION TIP: This occurs most often when the stoma is still healing following your surgery. In the interim, consider a pre-cut skin barrier or even a moldable version that can adapt to changing conditions.

As always, we contend that the best way to reduce ostomy leaks starts with selecting the best-fit pouches and supplies from our superior Cymed MicroSkin products. There you’ll find not only the pouches but also the other important ancillary items like wafers, adhesives, and more. If you have further questions on ways to prevent ostomy leaks, call us at 1-800-582-0707.