
How You Can Prevent Dehydration

One of the wisest things you can do is maintain optimal hydration. This is abundantly important to stoma patients, but also for the population at-large. With summer upon us, let’s examine a few ways to prevent dehydration that will make it easier to endure all the intense heat.

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Yes, You Can Travel with an Ostomy!

You might be wondering what it’s like to travel and move long distances with an ostomy. Thankfully, with modern advantages like MicroSkin pouches, it’s nowhere near as difficult to get around comfortably. Almost anybody can function just as well as the next person, provided you follow a few simple strategies. General Guidelines for Driving or … Read more

Emptying & Cleaning An Ostomy Bag: A How To Guide

Adapting to life after a stoma can take some getting used to, but it’s not impossible. Many people have led themselves to believe that having an ostomy such as a colostomy means having a significant decrease in their quality of life. This is a misconception that leads to a lot of anxiety before the procedure, not to mention a lot of dread at the thought that such a surgery leads to a life of isolation and misery. This is not the case. Once you’ve adapted to life with an ostomy after being discharged from the hospital, you’ll be enjoying life in no time at all.

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Check Out These Nutrition Tips for Ileostomy Patients

The ileostomy care industry has come a long way in providing ways to greatly enhance the comfort and quality of life for patients. While the supplies available to address ileostomy are outstanding, it still helps to pay attention to nutritional habits. This gives you the best opportunity to live a better than normal life with little to no hindrances from the procedure.

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Ostomy, Colostomy, Ileostomy, and Urostomy: Knowing the Difference

Medical terminology can sometimes seem confusing. This is nowhere more apparent than the term “ostomy.” While the phrase might not be one that appears in your daily conversations, to many people, it’s a part of their daily lives and something they have to think about constantly. There are more than a few types of ostomies, and today we’re going to shed light on the differences between them.

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9 Facts About Your Skin You May Not Know

Human skin is a marvelous, complex, and sophisticated organ that we may never fully appreciate. Since we offer several medical products that involve skin contact, we thought it might be fun to check out some of its more intriguing aspects. We hope you enjoy these 9 fascinating skin facts.

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A Basic Guide to Understanding a Urostomy

Here at Cymed, our mission involves producing reliable medical supplies for ileostomy, colostomy, and urostomy. These are all procedures that involve creating a conduit to allow waste items (solid or fluid) to evacuate the body differently. There are many reasons for doing this.

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